As we sit down to observe Thanksgiving, I would like to encourage parents to think long and hard about the dietary choices that you will make today. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) more than one third of American children and adolescents are overweight or obese. The CDC describes the most common cause for being ... [Continue Reading]
The Life You’ve Always Wanted…Simple As A,B,C
In the previous post, “Have You Filed Your Flight Plan?”, I attempted to encourage you to think about your life and what you wanted out of it other than to merely be known as your child’s parent. My hope was that you would take a moment out of your daily grind to map out, put detail to, the life that you desire – like the FAA requires of ... [Continue Reading]
Have You Filed Your Life Plan?
The other afternoon while I was flying home from a meeting, I looked out the window and saw a most beautiful scene. Outside was a continuous cloud – a cloud that was like a huge cotton ball which the plane appeared to be floating on. I think you will agree that it was an absolutely breathtaking view. The view that day – as so many things that ... [Continue Reading]
Important Things to Consider About the 2012 Presidential Election
Now that the 2012 Presidential Election is over, I was thinking about what would be important for a child to remember about the election. Sure, you could tell them that Barack Obama won the election over Mitt Romney or that the country is decidedly segregated when it comes to issue like race, gender, class and socio-economic standing but those ... [Continue Reading]
Five Things to Do When Your Child is Injured Playing a Sport
Has your child ever been injured while playing a sport? Were they forced to miss practice or worse a game? If you answered yes to either or both of the questions, you probably already have an idea about how challenging it can be to lift your child’s spirits. Children are mini replicas of adults, creatures of instant gratification. Like so ... [Continue Reading]
An Expression Parents Should Never Use – “Do As I Say Not As I Do”
Last night, as my son was checking in to board his flight to Brazil, I had to walk away from the counter to gain my composure. I was determined not to allow him to see me shedding any tears. Tears shed only because he was leaving and I would miss him but tears shed from lamenting the current state of my own life. Do As I Say Not As I Do Don’t ... [Continue Reading]
5 Things Great Parents Do: The Lion King Way
Last night, I felt a sense of excitement and anticipation the likes of which is generally only associated with the birth of a new child. No, I am not anticipating the birth of a sibling for Supaman. However, I am anticipating seeing him for the first time in nearly two months. Having my son home for a couple days is going to be great but I ... [Continue Reading]
The Pareto Principle and Zombies
For the past few posts I've been speaking about zombies. Take a look here: Part 1 + Part 2 So as to belabor the point no longer, Zombies are all around us. In fact, without realizing it many of us have unknowingly become Zombies. What do Zombies Want? It is simple Zombies want you to become a Zombie. Why else would those you tell that you ... [Continue Reading]
A Zombie Shall Be Known by the Offspring That it Bears
Okay, so in the last post, I introduced you to Zombies. Well, more succinctly, I described the eating habits of Zombies. I know to some the description was overkill but it was done so for a good reason. How can we consider ourselves among the living when we are incapable of making nutritional decisions that could enhance the quality of life ... [Continue Reading]
Have You Seen a Zombie Recently?
The other afternoon, I received a phone call from a friend. He just finished reading the post “Life is Short and Childhood is Even Shorter” and had a question to ask. “Nate” he queried, “how do we avoid becoming Zombies?” His question appeared simple enough but was actually very thought-provoking. How do we remain amongst the living – ... [Continue Reading]