Kick Butt Take Names
Since today is Memorial Day, I thought I might share a longstanding family fighting expression. The saying is Kick Butt Take Names – an idiom coined by Naeem’s Godfather, Uncle Willie. Because I’m always honest with you, I’ll let you in on a little secret about the word “Butt.” “Butt” is the G-rated word I’ve chosen to use expressly for the sake of this post.
Moreover, while practicing honesty, I might as well share that I believe the “A” word makes the war cry acronym sound better. Go ahead say both versions out loud. Now be honest! You must admit it K.A.T.N. flows so much better than K.B.T.N.
Whether times are good or bad, Naeem’s Godfather always tells Naeem to Kick Butt Take Names. When Naeem finishes first, Uncle Willie says Kick Butt Take Names. If the outcome Naeem expected is less than desired, his Godfather says Kick Butt Take Names. As you might imagine, the pitch in Uncle Willie’s voice might change based on the results, but the four words, Kick Butt Take Names, remain the same.
K.A.T.N. is the battle cry to remind Naeem that he is and will always be at war. K.A.T.N. is the chant expressed to prepare Naeem for the fight that exists every day of his life. However, if you think that K.A.T.N. is a battle cry intended to ready Naeem to fight others, you would be incorrect. K.A.T.N. is the war cry reminding Naeem that the most significant fight of his life is with himself.
“If there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do you no harm.” African Proverb
The late British Clergyman Charles Spurgeon said: “Beware of no man more than of yourself; we carry our worst enemies within us.” The words of the nineteenth-century preacher are as profound today as they were when he initially spoke them. Also, just like Naeem’s Godfather’s expression indicates, the enemy who poses the greatest danger has always lived between our ears.
So Uncle Willie merely intends by saying Kick Butt Take Names to encourage Naeem to rise each morning with zeal and strategy to defeat the many internal enemies that rage against us daily like fear of the unknown, self-doubt, overconfidence, procrastination, imposter syndrome, feelings of inadequacy, and dream-killing passivity. Like all great war cries, Kick Butt Take Names signifies that our goals for the day must be predetermined if there is any hope of getting the outcome we desire, that we must repeatedly say out loud words that affirm the life wanted, and that we must visualize with emotional intensity the realization of our goals and dreams.
Perhaps as a way to remember and honor all the people who died while serving this nation, you and I can do something as simple as making sure our children have a battle cry that reminds them that we all owe others for the opportunity of living our best life. Don’t fret it’s not necessary that your child have an Uncle Willie either. A Godfather-like the one Naeem has is an absolute luxury.
What your child needs most, today on Memorial Day or any other day, are parents, role models, whom themselves live each day with zeal and strategy to defeat their internal adversaries. Mom and dad lead your children into battle for personal greatness. Show them by word and deed how to be the best versions of themselves living life-fighting, kicking, and screaming like there is no tomorrow.
Oh, and before I forget, go ahead and use K.A.T.N. or K.B.T.N. if you can’t think of your personalized war cry. I believe both Naeem and Uncle Willie are okay if you use K.A.T.N. until you create your battle cry for now. However, don’t try to act like K.A.T.N. is yours. Neither Naeem nor Uncle Willie likes to share. They will happily fight you in court for attempting to stealing their war cry.
Does your child have a battle cry that alerts them that the enemy is nearby? Have you prepared your child for the never-ending war with the enemy between their ears? Are there words or a phrase you can say that instantaneously inspires your child to take the necessary actions to live their best life?