Here’s the thing: I am NOT an adult, I am NOT an educator and I am NOT a parenting expert. Most importantly, I am NOT a parent. Thank God too! Or else, my child might just die of thirst and illness as my dad so rightly pointed out here. Although, between you and me I’m pretty sure I could do a great job taking care of another living thing. I mean I did a great job with my hamster, Nibbles (R.I.P), and taking care of hamster is just like raising a child right? 🙂
Alright, alright, back to the point. Despite the fact that I am none of the things I previously stated, I will tell you what I am. I am the child of loving parents and I am a student of life. With that said, there are certain important life lessons my dad has taught me throughout my 17 years on this earth that I think are pretty beneficial.
Important Life Lessons
These are 5 important life lessons that any student of life should know if they want to live full and fruitful lives. Since you, the reader, are a student of life like me, I feel that you, your child, your parent, your friend, or whomever can learn something from me. Or, if you already know any of these things, keep reading, because this may just serve as a good reminder for something you know- but have just forgotten. If you enjoy the list, I have attached a PDF that you can download below for your own personal use.
No dream is too big, unreachable or unachievable. If you have a dream, and you are serious about reaching it, FIGHT for and PROTECT that dream[link to dreams-pursuit of happiness] like your life depends on it (In some cases, it just might). If you don’t have a dream, a goal or a purpose, something that FUELS and FIRES you, what’s the real point of life?
My dream is to be a professional soccer player, and over the past year as many of you know I have worked actively to achieve that dream. I would never have learned to actively fight for my dream without the love and support of my parents.
So take it from me, any dream is achievable, I know because I’m on my way to living mine right now. If your child has a dream, do your best to support them. Don’t know what your dream is? Take some time to seriously consider what you want, because it is NEVER too late.
2. Do or Do Not
If you have a goal in life, you must be willing to be 100% COMMITTED to that goal and seeing it through to the end. It is a LONG and HARD road to achieving your goal, or in my case, your dream. There will be days where you feel like you’re on top of the world, but there will also be pitfalls. You can’t let either get in your way.
Consider this: When you take a photo, you have to line up your shot, and everything that doesn’t fit just won’t be part of the photo. That is the same way you should approach your goal, line it up, make sure you have everything related to your goal within your view, and then ignore everything else. Stay FOCUSED on your goal.
What I’ve just told you may seem pretty obvious but it is something so many people forget on the road to achieving their dreams or, for that matter any goal they set in life. Don’t let anything stand in the way of something you claim that you are dedicated and committed to. Don’t look for excuses, don’t just try, do it and do it with confidence! As my dad so often likes to tell me in his best Yoda voice “Do or do not… there is no try.”
3. Stand Up For Yourself and Others Even If No One Else Does
Something my dad has always taught me, more so through actions than words, is to always stand up for yourself and others. He’s a fighter. He’ll fight for almost any and every one. If there is something unjust or unfair that you are faced with he’ll stand right next to you and fight with you. I could provide so many examples of this, that if you paid me for every example I provided, I might just be a millionaire.
Standing up for yourself doesn’t mean seeking conflict but it means doing what is best for you and others no matter how unpopular it may be at the time. Even if no one else is willing to stand for something, you always should because it’s simply the right thing to do. There is no better reward, than a thank you from someone you helped.
4. It’s OK to Ask for Help
Too often in society we believe that to be successful or to accomplish anything that you must do it on your own. It’s so engrained in American culture that it is the basis of the American dream. Everyone knows the story of the average Joe who worked so hard that one day he just became a success all on his own.
Life simply doesn’t work like that. NO ONE does anything on their own. EVERYONE needs help every once in awhile. If you’re suffering, ALWAYS seek help. It does not make you weak, it does not diminish your achievements, and it most certainly does not mean you are a failure because you asked for help.
What does it make you? It makes you HUMAN. It shows that you are intelligent and resourceful enough to know that you might just need a shoulder to lean on. In the words of Coldplay, “Just because I’m losing, doesn’t mean I’m lost”.
5. Love Is Unconditional
This is the most important of all the life lessons on the list. Love holds no bounds, love goes beyond words, love is actions. It is unconditional. If you love something, love it unconditionally. There is no such thing as half-hearted love. It is the MOST important thing a parent can teach their child.
If you teach your child nothing else, teach them what unconditional love is. Show them through your words. Show them through your actions. Show them through your being. Show them what it means to properly love someone. It is an unforgettable lesson, trust me, it sticks with you no matter what you face. Even when your child feels like the whole world is against them, they will always remember you will be in their heart with unconditional love.
So there you have it, there’s my list. Did you enjoy the list? Why not subscribe HERE to The Raising Supaman Project. Have any life lessons of your own that you want to share? Post a comment below. Also, as promised you can download a PDF of the list right below. Place it somewhere as reminder, share it with friend, doesn’t matter to me as long as you enjoyed it.
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